Thursday, November 12, 2015

2015: A business summary

Last year was not the best for mining as a dip in Chinese growth sent prices falling across the commodities spectrum. Some of the main losers were copper and oil both of which slid by over 25 percent.
Consumers, however, are counting their savings as petrol prices and other basic products dropped in price.

Most observers are blaming China, and its stagnating development, for the declines and iron ore suffered the worst drop having plummeted over 85 percent from its crest in 2010.

The China factor
The meteoric rise of China over the last 20 years in undeniable. It became manufacturing headquarters for the entire globe and a major factor in world economic growth. But last year the behemoth stopped eating up all the commodities the Earth was producing.
Now India, China’s biggest regional competitor, has faster growth. Chinese data puts growth at below 8 percent.

Some experts think the figures are inaccurate and the situation could be a lot worse in reality.
Tony Harris, Senior Vice President of Equity Trading at Softbank CIBC International says the issue could be a drop in confidence in the leadership of the nation. “It’s not so much their style of leadership that is the problem here,” Harris said in an email yesterday, “The problem is more that they really have nothing to work with to turn the situation around. Capital outflow is just too high. Half a trillion in outflow is no joke.”

Harris added that when you pare this with failed interest rate adjustments and a massive annual rise in government spending, China have been left in a bad place.
“It’s as if there has been a total reversal in the economic policies,” he said.

Other experts are more optimistic saying the government still has some wiggle room. “There is still a possibility the authorities can avoid a financial crisis,” said Jonathan Fenby of Trusted Sources research group, “This is not to say there will not be massive slowing of growth for at least a couple of years….there definitely will.”